10 Cool Facts About The Early History Of Paddle Boarding

These days, paddle boarding is one of the fastest growing water sports in the world, with the sport beginning to reach into every corner of the globe. From fierce competitive races in California to paddle board rentals in LBI, if you’re anywhere near the water, chances are that people are going to paddle board rentals in LBI be boarding.

But that wasn’t always the case. Though board-related activities are fairly ancient and date back centuries in Polynesia, modern paddle boarding is actually relatively new. Essentially invented in the 1930s, it enjoyed a brief time of popularity, faded for a time, and then surged to popularity again in the late 1990s.

If you enjoy paddle boarding and are interested in knowing how it got its start, these 10 cool facts will walk you through the early days of the sport. Keep them in mind the next time you’re looking for paddle board rentals in Long Beach Island!

  1. The pioneer of modern paddle board construction is widely considered to be Thomas Edward Blake, who modernized the ancient sport in the 1930s.
  2. Blake may have made the first modern paddle board in 1926, when he was restoring historic Hawaiian boards for the Bernice P. Bishop Museum. While working on the project, Blake created a replica of the so-called olo surfboard ridden by ancient Hawaiian kings, a style of board that had long been ignored by historians and enthusiasts alike.
  3. Blake is the inventor of the hollow board, which he created by first making a board from redwood in the style of the olo, drilling holes throughout, then filling in those holes.
  4. In 1928, Blake won the Pacific Coast Surfriding Championship using the board he had created two years earlier, a landmark victory that changed the face of the sport forever.
  5. The Pacific Coast Surfriding Championship was the first mainland event that combined both traditional surfing with paddling, edging us closer to what we today consider to be modern paddle boarding.
  6. In the years that followed, Blake went on to break almost every single established paddling record, many of which would not be broken until well into the 1950s.
  7. Blake initially promoted his hollow paddle board design as a lifeguard rescue tool.
  8. One of Blake’s great victories came against Pete Peterson and Wally Burton, two of the best watermen in California. In the first every Mainland to Catalina crossing race, a rigorous 29-mile journey, Blake dominated, making the crossing in under six hours.
  9. Before he started winning so often, Blake’s boards were derided by many, with surfers calling them “kook boxes.” (Reporters instead referred to them as “cigar boards.”).
  10. Surfboards continued to evolve over the years, but in the world of paddle boarding, Blake’s initial 1926 design is still very close to what is used today.

And that’s it, as far as the early days of modern paddle boarding go. The next time you’re boarding on the west coast or looking for paddle board rentals in LBI, remember how this all got its start. It will give you a better appreciation for how far we’ve come!

The Three Types of In-ground Pools

It probably does not come as a shock to say that not all pools are created alike. After all, you’ve seen big pools and small pools, square pools and round pools, symmetrical pools and curvy pools, and so on. It’s safe to say that you have seen in-ground pools of all shapes and sizes.

What you may not realize is that there is more to an in-ground pool than its shape, size and depth. These pools can be made of very different materials, and those materials can have a huge impact on everything from maintenance to customization options to cost.

In the market for a new in-ground pool in Toms River? Then you should know each type of pool, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Here’s what you need to know:

Concrete or Gunite In-Ground Pools

We put these in the same category since they are essentially the same thing. You already know what concrete is. Gunite is a type of “shotcrete,” which is concrete delivered at high velocity through a hose, in this case in a dry mix form.

These pools offer tremendous design flexibility. Concrete pools can be shaped in a limitless number of ways, and can even be designed to fit into unusual or irregular spaces. You name the spot, your Toms River pool installation can probably be made to accommodate the space.

In the case of gunite, this customize even extends to things like textures and unusual special features. If you want to mimic the look and feel of rock, for instance, you can do it with gunite.

The downside is that you have to have patience, as these pools take longer to install than any other.

Vinyl In-Ground Pools

One of the most common types of in-ground pool you’ll encounter is vinyl, and there is a good reason for that. Vinyl pools tend to be pre-engineered and installation is not labor intensive, making them one of the least expensive options. Vinyl pools come in an array of pre-designed shapes and sizes, from the traditional rectangle or oval to more creative, curvy shapes that can really enhance the look of your yard.

Vinyl pools usually have very durable liners than can even come in an array of colors. Also, because they are pre-engineers, your Toms River pool installation probably won’t take long: just a few weeks.

Fiberglass In-Ground Pools

A good choice if you hope your pool installation in Toms River will go fast, fiberglass pools come in one pre-formed piece, allowing them to be installed in a mere matter of days. They come in a variety of shapes and styles.

A big advantage to fiberglass is that their fiberglass surface is difficult for algae to cling to, making them the easiest type of in-ground pool to maintain. You’ll need fewer chemicals and not as much labor, both positives if you do not have the time or ability to keep up with your pool.

The great thing about modern in-ground pools is that you can’t go wrong with any of these options. All have their pluses, and all will enhance your life. So make a phone call to your local New Jersey pool installer and enjoy yourself!

6 Things To Do During Your Manahawkin Vacation at the Jersey Shore

The Jersey Shore is a fantastic place to spend a week or a long weekend. The beaches are beautiful, the shopping is great, the sun and surf are excellent. It’s amazing how such great attractions can be so close to home!

Sunbathing – Yes, this one is simple. It’s what most people want to do when they visit the shore, anyway! And it’s easy. When you’re staying at a Manahawkin Hotel, the beach is just minutes away. Spread out a blanket, relax, soak up the sun, jump in the water if you need to cool off. There is a reason why our beaches are so popular!

Fishing – The Long Beach Island region has a thriving fishing scene that goes back centuries, with deep ties to fishing and trade that date back hundreds of years. Because of that, our fishing tradition is strong and proud. There is plenty of fishing to go around, too. The region has many public fishing spots and great piers and docks for fishing, and charter boats are plentiful. It’s as easy to spend a day out on the ocean as it is fishing in the surf or casting into the bay.

Paddleboarding – One of the fastest growing water sports is stand-up paddleboarding in Long Beach Island, and for good reason. It’s a fun, relaxing, easy way to get in the water and enjoy the shore. Unlike surfing, paddleboarding doesn’t require years of practice and amazing agility. As long as you can stand, you can use a SUP, or Stand-up Paddleboard. You can rent paddleboards in Manahawkin, so consider taking some time out on the water after you leave your Manahawkin hotel in the morning!

Local History – The Long Beach Island and Manahawkin region is rich with history, from the famed Barnegat Lighthouse to fantastic local museums that showcase the area’s rich ties to the sea. There are historic buildings to see, parks to visit, and great local historical societies that regularly hold special events. We urge you to pay them a visit!

Restaurants – You don’t have to travel far from your Manahawkin hotel to find some fantastic places to eat in the area. It should go without saying that seafood is a specialty around here, with fresh catches coming in multiple times a day, but we also have a wealth of Italian eateries, amazing delis, classic diners, a wide array of ethnic food, excellent steakhouses, and much more. If you can’t find something to eat in our area, you’re not trying!

Cocktails – There is nothing quite like a cocktail in the sun, and the Manahawkin and Long Beach Island region offers you plenty of opportunities to enjoy exactly that. Have a few cold ones, sip on a margarita, and just enjoy a little bit of the beach life before you return to the daily grind. You’ve earned it!

As you can see, there is plenty to do nearby your Manahawkin hotel, and we’ve only just scratched the surface. From watersports to hiking to nature to shopping and much more, you will love your time away at the Jersey Shore!